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Written Art

by Rose Jekyll*


I pull blood from the twisted tubes that lie before me.
The contorted strips of flesh, bending and weaving in new patterns.
My eyes lightened to the blinding light, the curse of the flame -
I feel the need to purge, the urge to rid myself of it all.

The pain that was caused by you, feeds a demon I never knew.
She pretended to be someone else, she never really revealed the shadow.
I tried to run away, I was desperate to escape the same fate -
But I knew that my life was never mine to keep.

And those ghosts that linger, torture the angels that try to save,
The waste of God, the putrid efforts to redeem an empty heartless world.
They writhe like maggots in a wounded beast, blamed! -
Blamed for the world they never helped create.

Last one to Remember

Hands and fingers stroked the sky; their caress broke ripples in the water.
And hearts were still beating, waiting for the final moment -
One awaited for in a lifetime of longing.

And I stood watching on like a carved statue, looking through her tainted eyes.
The world was not as I remembered it; empty and struggling silence.
Even muffled crying brought no emotion to me.

The breath was still in my lungs, the sweat contained tight in my pores -
Unable to release myself, trapped within the malice I had spawned.
Frozen in my own time zone; a fallen idol to no audience.

The longer my eternity lasted the greater the pressure swelled within.
An overwhelming agony; a wild desperation and fierce desire.
Screams held against my lips, fists clenched against my hips.


For once a safe home to my Demon; my Angel crumbled and died inside.
Realisation dawning; my strength and hope within me waning.
No freedom through an internal prison cell -
No will to break free from fate entwined in a cruel destiny.

Jekyll’s Sounds


Sounds collide with my own,

Resting in my room, heart thundering.

I look ahead to a new horizon –

Her eyes fluttering on the brink of a seizure.

I remembered to whisper words in her ear

To comfort, to remind, to condemn.

And then she held me there, her love,

Her arms and her embrace like iron clamping

My lungs but steadying my pulse.

Jekyll’s needles sticking in, holding the skeleton

In place, she clamped my body together again.

She repaired the damage done, she claimed

All the things undone and more –

Back-stabbing, reclaiming, driving thoughts deeper.

Singing a song never heard before, in my mind


She dismantled the pain I contained. 

I create narratives with my art to explore themes and behaviours, as well as express my own emotions.

I love using poetry and prose to convey this along with visuals.

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